Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I chose the letter A to represent Acronym. Acronyms seem to be a huge part of our daily lives now, so I will share a few that I think are...interesting. Comment and let me in on a few others.

KFC - This is only ok because of their new "Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl"

GMA - This stands for Good Morning America. Why the heck do they need an acronym?

VMA's - I never really thought about this, but if it stands alone nobody would even know what it meant.

WTH - I actually like this one...because I am lazy.

OWP - Sadly, I am responsible for this one...but nobody knows what it means anyways. Hint: lube.

TB - For those of you that know my wife...The Birge.

I want more acronyms from y'all. Don't give me the obvious ones like lol or omg. Be creative.


Jamie Stavenger said...

I was exposed to "BFE" by my dear friend ROXEANNE. You can ask HER what it means (though I'm certain you know). I don't dare repeat it here. ;)

Will said...

Jamie taught me EOD. Ask her what it means.




scmusicals said...

I can give you a whole bunch from work...but I'll refrain. Instead, I'll share one that I learned in college:


I don't use the acronym personally...but look it up, if you don't already know what it means.

photoqueen said...

My fave is NKOTB!

I think it was one of the originals...

JimmyJames said...

during my physical yesterday, they gave me a "TB Skin Test". I thought the "TB" stood for Tuberculosis but after reading your blog, i see that i was mistaken... i think i tested negative for "the birge" but i'll know for sure next week.