Saturday, April 7, 2007

Once you pop, you better stop!

This morning we had our huge easter egg hunt and pancake breakfast and it was freaking awesome! Everything went smooth from a facilities point of view and parking was surprisingly easy compared to most other events at EPCC. That is until Bridget showed up. She is always willing to help and is one of the best darn flashlight holders this side of the Pecos. However, things change when she turns her back for one second.

There was a car pulling out of the grass parking lot today and Bridget had stepped away to move some cones when all of a sudden she heard something like a pfffssshhh!!! When she turned around she noticed a car pulling out of the parking lot (where she was stationed) leaking a lot of air out of a tire. Unfortunately, we don't know the people driving the car and they pulled off too fast for her to tell them that they were gonna make it about a hundred feet before their tire was completely flat. I guess there was like a metal spike or something sticking up out of the ground that they ran over and the rest is history.

So, just when it seemed like the Easter Egg Hunt was smooth as lama's spit we had a casualty of the rubber sort. If you are reading this blog and got a popped tire at the Egg Hunt, talk to Bridget. She did it on purpose.

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